Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tissues and Tea

I was on high stress for so long this year that my immune system was weakened.  Now that my stress levels have been reduced my body felt the need to pay me back by totally taking me out of commission for the last couple of days.  I don't remember the last time I was so sick and even today, day 4, I am not feeling quite ready to get out of bed.  

Sweating or shaking with cold?  Decisions, decisions
I used this time as an opportunity to learn even more about my essential oils (when my eyes didn't hurt too badly to read a computer screen).  
I learned that peppermint brings down a fever when applied to your forehead and the back of your neck (note: do NOT let the peppermint drip into your eyes unless you want to feel the sensation of your eye trying to melt out of you head.  Should this happen, use coconut oil, preferably the one provided by doTerra since it is in liquid form, to rinse out your eye. NOT water).  You can apply the Peppermint as often as every 15 minutes to get high fevers down.
I learned that Oregano is a ROCKIN' oil to use when sick.  I added 1 drop of Oregano to my chicken soup when I felt like eating and used it in an oils shot: fill a small shot glass with water and add 1 drop Oregano, 2 drops On Guard, and 2 drops Lemon.  Gargle (they say for 5-10 minutes but seriously- that is pretty much impossible!  I go for as long as I can past 1 minute...which means I do it for about 1 minute and 5 seconds) and swallow.  You WILL gag, feel like your mouth is on fire, and think that no healing is worth this kind of discomfort but suck it up and just make sure you have some juice or something to quickly follow it with.  Discomfort only lasts maybe 2 minutes. Do this about 3 times a day.

Pretty much how I reacted after my first Oils shot
Another protocol with the oils was to apply Oregano, Peppermint, On Guard, and Melaleuca (an anti-viral oil) to the bottoms of my feet as often as every hour.  I applied Eucalyptus oil and Breathe blend to my chest to relieve my coughing and put Lemon in my water, which I drank as often as I could....the oils need water in order to move through your system effectively.  Lemon is excellent at removing toxins from the system.
The last thing I did was put On Guard and Eucalyptus in my diffuser to keep the air cleansed and my lungs clear.  
I'll keep doing all of this today to get the last of this vile sickness out of my system!  I don't even want to think about how bad this sickness could have been or how long it would have lasted without using the oils!  Experiencing how quickly other sicknesses have been eradicated while others around me with the same sickness suffer much longer has proven to me that these oils work faster and more completely than the pharmaceuticals on the market can hope to do.  If you are interested in learning more about how to get these oils, please contact me!  
In the meantime, eat as healthy as you can (especially a variety of fresh veggies!), load up on the Vitamin C, and PLEASE do not get a flu shot...they do much more harm than good!  

These are 2 great articles that discuss the truth behind flu vaccines: This one also gives the top ways to make your immune system more healthy so it can fight off the viruses naturally. This one discusses the top 8 reasons not to get a flu shot, one of which is for pregnant women.  Some shocking statistics discussed here folks!  

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