Friday, May 10, 2013

The First Post

Its a daunting thing, writing my first blog post!  Since this is just a blog about whatever is going on in my life, it doesn't leave a lot of focus since today is my day off.
I started this blog because I have just moved to a new city and feel on the cusp of big things in my life, so I really want a way to keep focused.  My mind tends to wander (i.e. I can spend hours being distracted by pinterest or the trees or the clouds or...).  I want to be more aware and grateful of the beautiful gifts around me, even when they are hidden behind pain or confusion or sadness.  There is something so attractive about someone who can be peaceful among crisis or tragedy and I know the key to true happiness lies somewhere in this.  Being content to BE, not to want something different than what is given.  I read somewhere that expectations are where all misery comes from; those who have no expectations can truly accept what a moment gives.  I don't mean that in a cynical way, though it might sound that way.  I'm simply trying to say that life, in all its moments, is a true gift to be cherished, and I want to celebrate that with a JOYFUL NOISE here!

I think this guy has it figured out:

I like how no one else in the gym notices this :)


  1. Totally love your simple wisdom here and I can't tell you how happy or shall I say joyful it makes me that you have started this!!! Your a natural writer and I want more, I want more.

    Ps. this video is cracking me up!

    1. Haha thanks so much! I think I'm going to have fun writing this :) I could watch that video all day!
